Many sheep and goat producers unwittingly sabotage their mineral supplement program by providing yellow sulfur salt blocks for the purpose of external parasite control in place of or in addition to granular mineral supplements or mineral blocks. All one need do is consult any of the internet chat groups or visit the local sale barn to hear armchair veterinary advice about the so-called advantages of feeding sulfur salt to livestock. This article is intended to debunk the myths surrounding the feeding of sulfur for the purpose of parasite control and to bring to your attention the detrimental effects of excessive sulfur in the diet of sheep.
Biosecurity measures for backyard poultry
As the latest outbreak of Avian Flu continues to spread, the need for biosecurity is more paramount than ever. Since December 2014, USDA has confirmed several cases of Avian Flu in the Pacific, Central and Mississippi flyways (migratory bird paths). Avian Flu has been found in wild birds as well as backyard and commercial poultry flocks. While biosecurity is a familiar topic with large commercial producers, owners of small backyard flocks need to familiarize themselves as well.